

6 Days
Per Week

6 Days Per Week


Excluding Public/Bank Holidays

Fare: Adult Single €5 | Child €3 | Travel Pass accepted


Gorey - Ballygarrett - Courtown - Gorey - Route 879
Stop Location Stop Name Monday - Saturday
All Year July/Aug
Gorey Main St, McGoverns 09:15 --- ---
Ballycanew Roundabout 09:25 --- ---
Killenaghc Killenagh Crossc 09:28 --- ---
Ballygarrett The Schooner 09:30 --- ---
Poulshone Poulshone Junction, Shop 09:37 10:37 14:37
Ardamine Seascapes 09:38 10:38 14:38
Riverchapel Jimmyz Bar 09:40 10:40 14:40
Courtown Harbour Ireton's Caravan Park 09:41 10:41 14:41
Courtown Forest Park Leisure Centre 09:42 10:42 14:42
Ballymoney Ballymoney Shop Junction 09:56 10:56 14:56
Gorey Main Street, McGoverns 10:00 11:00 15:00
Gorey Gorey Shopping Centre 10:03 --- 15:03


Gorey - Ballymoney - Courtown - Ballygarrett -Gorey- Route 879
Stop Location Stop Name Monday - Saturday
Morning All Year Afternoon All Year July August Evening All Year
Gorey Main Street, Withmore Jewellers 10:10 13:10 14:10 17:10
Ballymoney Ballymoney Shop Junction --- 13:15 14:15 17:15
Courtown Forest Park Leisure Centre 10:20 13:20 14:20 17:20
Courtown Harbour Ireton's Caravan Park 10:22 13:22 14:22 17:22
Riverchapel Jimmyz Bar 10:24 13:24 14:24 17:24
Ardamine Seascapes 10:28 13:28 14:28 17:28
Poulshone Poulshone Junction, Shop 10:31 13:31 14:31 17:31
Ballygarrett The Schooner --- 13:36 --- 17:36
Killenagh Killenagh Cross --- 13:46 --- 17:46
Ballycanew Roundabout --- 13:48 --- 17:48
Gorey Gorey Shopping Centre --- 13:54 --- 17:54
Gorey Main Street, Withmore Jewellers --- 13:55 --- 17:55

Sports day out

Having a sports away day ? Let us get you ther in good time to tee off

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School Tours

School or group trips. 
We can get you all there and back safe and sound.

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Club events or social day out, no matter what the event, we can take care of the driving and get you all there and home safe and sound.

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6 Days
Per Week
(Excluding Bank Holidays)


3 Times
Per Day

Monday - Saturday Morning
All Year
Mon to Fri
Sept to June
Gorey Main St. (McGoverns) 09:15  
Ballycanew Roundabout 09.23  
Killenagh (Killenagh Cross) 09:25  
Ballygarrett (Schooner) 09:35  
Poulshone Junction 09:37 16:35
Ardamine, Seascapes 09:40 16:38
Riverchaple, Jimmyz Bar 09:44 16:42
Courtown Harbour (Iretons) 09:47 16:45
Courtown Harbour (Forest Park) 09:50 16:48
Ballymoney 09:56 16:54
Gorey Main St. (McGoverns) 10:00 16:58
Gorey Shopping Centre 10:03 17:00
Monday to Saturday

Sept - June

July & Aug
All Year
Gorey Main St. (Whitmore’s) 13:10 14:10 17:10
Ballymoney 13.15 14:15 17:15
Courtown Harbour (Forest Park) 13:20 14:20 17:20
Courtown Harbour (Iretons) 13:22 14:22 17:22
Riverchaple, Jimmyz Bar 13:24 14:24 17:24
Ardamine, Seascapes 13:28 14:28 17:28
Poulshone Junction 13:31 14:31 17:31
Ballygarrett (Peigs Bar) 13:36 14:36 17:36
Killenagh Cross 13:46 14.46 17:46
Ballycanew Roundabout 13:48 14.48 17:48
Gorey Shopping Centre 13:54 14:54 17:54
Gorey Main Street Whitmores 13:55 14:55 17:55
Fare: Adult Single €5 | Travel Pass Accepted www.goreybuslinks.ie | email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: 087 2348447

Now that we can travel again, why not start your holiday from your front door and let us take of the travel to and from the airport for your group.

Bus transfers from and to  Airport

Sports day away

Let us get you and your group to the first race on time and then back home again.

Book your trip 

Leave the car at home and let us be the designated driver for your night out or event.
Let us do the driving while you get to relax and enjoy.

Book now

Who We Are:

Gorey Bus Links service has been operating successfully since 2008 and has become an integral means of commuting for people in these rural areas to access national transport facilities from the town of Gorey, to carry out their business and to enjoy the social benefits of independently travelling to and from the town. .

Bus Hire
087 2348447

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